beehives are situated on the mountains of the north of
Catalonia (near the Mediterranean sea). In the mountains of
l'Albera, we found three types of flowers, and with these
flowers our bees produce the honey: rosemary, rudder and
It's fair to say that who recollect the honey
are the bees. With the nectar of the flowers, this fascinating
insects begins to do different processes and produce the
honey. The honey is recollected in June, when the period of
the flowers ends.
With no transformations, the
recollected honey is kept on drums and after, the honey is
bottled traditionallyhe Milflors honey Ribera Gironell is
produced in Vilamaniscle, in a village of the north of
Catalonia, near the Mediterranean sea, where the mountains of
l'Albera go down, softly to the sea.
And this is how in the XXI st century you can enjoy, without
transformation process, and no mediator, from producer to

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